Where To Promote Blog Posts After Publishing

Where To Promote Blog Posts After Publishing

It’s not enough to publish excellent material on the landing page of your site or blog topics and expect readers to flock to it. After your blog article is live, you must get the word out to your current readers and find new ones. After posting your blog article, we’ll go through some of the greatest ways to get the word out.

Social Media Platforms:

Social media networks like Facebook, your Twitter account, LinkedIn, and Instagram are excellent places to spread the word about your blog article. You can boost the visibility of your article and social mentions by sharing it on your personal and corporate pages and using relevant hashtags in your posts. Infographics and videos are two examples of eye-catching visuals that may be used to promote your article and get people talking.

Email Marketing:

Promoting your blog article via email marketing may be a very effective strategy for reaching your audience. Include a link to new post on your website in each email newsletter you send out to notification subscribers, and be sure to include an attention-grabbing subject line and a call to action to get people to click through. To make sure your material is reaching the correct people, you should consider breaking up your email list into subsets depending on your readers’ preferences.

Online Communities and Forums:

Connecting with others interested in your blog’s particular topic, via online groups and forums may be quite beneficial. Locate appropriate online groups, such as Reddit or Quora, and participate by answering questions or offering advice to other members. Publish your articles and musings on the web when acceptable, but remember to play by the community’s established norms and standards.

Influencer Outreach:

Reaching out to influential people may be a great method to get more eyes on your blog article. Reach out to key opinion leaders in your field or area with website link and a customized message announcing your new blog post. The reach of your article might be boosted if the influencer decides to share links to your material with their audience.

While sponsored promotion of your blog article is not required, it may be an efficient means of expanding your readership. Think about advertising relevant posts on Google or Facebook to those who have shown interest in your blog’s subject matter or interacted with your posts before. For your self promotion and advertising efforts to yield a profit, it is important to establish a budget and monitor the outcomes.

General link-building strategies For Blogs

Building backlinks is an essential part of search engine optimization. Your blog own website’s ability to rank well in search engine results and to attract new readers will benefit greatly from your efforts to build high-quality inbound links to it. In general, bloggers may use the following link-building strategies:

  1. Create high-quality content: The first and most important step to building links is creating high-quality content that people want to link to. This means creating informative, engaging, and well-researched blog posts that provide value to your audience.
  2. Guest blogging: Guest blogging is a great way to get your content in front of a new audience and build links to your site. Look for relevant blogs in your niche that accept guest posts and pitch them a unique and valuable article idea.
  3. Broken link building: Broken link building is a technique where you find broken links on other sites and offer to replace them with a link to your content. Use a tool like Ahrefs or Moz to find broken links in your niche, then reach out to the site owner and offer your link as a replacement.
  4. Build relationships with other bloggers: Building relationships with other bloggers in your niche can lead to link-building opportunities. Engage with other bloggers on social media, comment on their blog posts, and offer to collaborate on content or share each other’s content.
  5. Participate in forums and online communities: Participating in forums and online communities related to your niche can help you build relationships with other bloggers and website owners. Be sure to add value to the conversation and include a link to your blog in your forum signature or profile.
  6. Use social media: Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to drive traffic to your site and encourage others to link to your content.
  7. Offer valuable resources: Creating valuable resources like infographics, e-books, and whitepapers can help attract links to your site. These resources should be high-quality and provide value to your audience.

Promoting Your Blog On Social Media (Eg. Facebook page)

Promoting your blog and increasing site traffic is a top priority many bloggers, and these social media marketing platforms are a great way to do that. You may use these pointers to promote your content if you have a blog and a social media presence, notably a Facebook page.

  1. Optimize your Facebook page: Make sure your Facebook page is optimized for your blog. Include a link to your blog in the About section, and use a clear and concise description of what your blog is about.
  2. Share your blog posts: Share your blog posts on your Facebook page and include a compelling headline and image to grab people’s attention. Use hashtags to make your posts more discoverable and include a call-to-action to encourage people to click through to your blog.
  3. Engage with your audience: Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages on your Facebook page. This will help build a community around your blog and encourage people to share your content with their followers.
  4. Join Facebook groups: Join relevant Facebook groups in your niche and share your blog posts with the group. Read the group rules and guidelines before sharing your content to avoid being spammy.
  5. Run Facebook ads: Consider running Facebook ads to promote your blog posts to a larger audience. You can target your ads based on demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach people likely to be interested in your blog.
  6. Use Facebook Live: Facebook Live is a great way to connect with your audience in real time and promote your blog. Consider doing a live Q&A or sharing behind-the-scenes content related to your blog.
  7. Collaborate with other Facebook pages: Collaborate with other Facebook pages in your niche to reach a new audience. This could involve doing a guest post, sharing each other’s content, or running a joint Facebook Live event.

Blog Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is taking existing old posts and content and turning it into a new format or platform. Here are some tips for repurposing your already share blog posts and content:

  1. Create infographics: Turn your blog post into an infographic by summarizing the key points and using visual elements to make the information more digestible.
  2. Turn blog posts into videos: Create a video based on your post by summarizing the key points and using visuals to engage your audience.
  3. Create social media posts: Create social media posts based on your blog post by pulling out key quotes or statistics and using them to create shareable content.
  4. Create a podcast episode: Use your blog post as inspiration for a podcast episode by discussing the topic in more detail or interviewing experts in the field.
  5. Turn blog posts into eBooks or guides: Combine multiple related blog posts into an eBook or guide that your audience can download.
  6. Create a webinar: Use your blog post as the basis for a webinar by presenting the information in a more interactive format.
  7. Turn blog posts into email newsletters: Use your blog post to create content for your email newsletter by summarizing the key points and including a call-to-action to drive traffic back to your blog.

Network With Other Bloggers

Networking with other fellow bloggers, can be a great way to grow your audience and increase the reach of the content writing your blog. Here are some tips for networking with other bloggers:

  1. Participate in online communities: Join online communities and forums where other bloggers in your niche hang out. Participate in discussions and offer valuable insights to establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
  2. Attend conferences and events: Attend conferences and events in your niche to meet other bloggers in person. This can be a great way to make connections and build relationships.
  3. Collaborate on content: Reach out to other bloggers in your niche and propose a collaboration on content. This could be a guest post exchange, a joint webinar or podcast, or a social media campaign.
  4. Engage with other bloggers on social media: Follow other bloggers in your niche on social media and engage with their content. Share their posts, leave thoughtful comments, and tag them in your posts to start building a relationship.
  5. Host a blogging roundup: Create a post featuring other bloggers in your niche. Reach out to them and ask if they would like to be included in the post. This can be a great way to build relationships and increase your reach.

Using paid advertising to spread the word about your blog and attract new readers is a common digital marketing strategy. To get the most out of your advertising budget, you may promote paid ads on your blog in a number of different ways.

  1. Social media advertising: Promote your blog on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media ads allow you to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.
  2. Google Ads: Use Google Ads to display your blog at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). You can use targeted keywords, locations, and demographics to reach the right audience.
  3. Influencer marketing: Collaborate with social media influencers who have a large following in your niche. They can promote your blog to their followers, increasing your visibility and driving traffic to your website.
  4. Display advertising: Use display ads on websites that are relevant to your niche. You can use retargeting ads to target people who have already visited your blog or website.
  5. Native advertising: Use native ads to promote your blog in a non-intrusive way. Native ads blend in with the content of a website, making them less disruptive than traditional banner ads.

Use Influencers To Expand Your Blogs Reach

If you want more people to read your blog, one smart strategy is to collaborate with influential people in your niche. Influencers are people who have a sizable and active social network or online following; by teaming up with them, you may increase exposure for your site.

Here are some steps you can take to use influencers to expand your content marketer, blog and social network’s reach:

  1. Identify relevant influencers: Look for influencers who are relevant to your niche or industry. You can search for influencers on social media platforms, influencer marketing platforms, or use tools like BuzzSumo to find influencers who are already sharing content related to your niche.
  2. Reach out to influencers: Once you have identified relevant influencers, reach out to them and propose a partnership. You can offer them free access to your blog content, exclusive offers, or a commission for each person who signs up through their referral link.
  3. Provide value to influencers: To motivate influencers to work with you, make sure you provide them with valuable content that they can share with their followers. This can include exclusive content, infographics, videos, or any other type of content that aligns with their interests and the interests of their followers.
  4. Monitor and measure results: It’s important to track and measure the results of your influencer campaigns. Use tracking tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic and engagement on your blog, and use social media analytics tools to measure the impact of your influencer collaborations.

Content Syndication and Republishing On Your Blogs

In order to raise your blog own website’s profile and readership, you might use the tactics of content syndication and republishing. Using these methods, you distribute your work across several online mediums, either in its original form or after undergoing some type of modification.

Here’s how you can use your content marketing, syndication and republishing to grow your blog:

  1. Find relevant websites and platforms: Look for websites and platforms that are relevant to your niche or industry. These can include online publications, industry blogs, and social media platforms.
  2. Reach out to publishers: Contact publishers and propose a content syndication partnership. You can offer to share your content on their website or platform in exchange for a link back to your original blog post.
  3. Repurpose your content: Consider repurposing your existing blog content into a different format, such as an infographic, video, or podcast. You can then share this content on other platforms and websites to reach a wider audience.
  4. Optimize for SEO: When syndicating or republishing your content, make sure to optimize it for SEO. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing headlines and meta descriptions, and including internal and external links.
  5. Monitor results: It’s important to track and measure the results of your content syndication and republishing efforts. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic and engagement on your blog and on other platforms.

General Blog Promotion

For your blog readers, to succeed and develop, promotion is key. To raise your blog’s profile and readership, consider these broad approaches to blog promotion:

  1. Optimize for search engines: Optimize your blog posts for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and internal and external links. This can help your blog rank higher in search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic.
  2. Promote on social media: Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can use hashtags, visual content, and engaging captions to attract more readers and encourage them to share your content.
  3. Use email marketing: Build an email list and send newsletters to your subscribers with links to your latest blog posts. This can help you reach a targeted audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  4. Participate in online communities: Join online communities related to your niche or industry and participate in discussions. You can share your blog posts when relevant and provide value to the community to attract more readers.
  5. Collaborate with other bloggers: Collaborate with other bloggers in your niche or industry by guest posting on their blogs or inviting them to guest post on your blog. This can help you tap into their audience and attract new readers to your blog.
  6. Use paid advertising: Consider using paid advertising strategies like social media ads or Google Ads to promote your blog. This can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.

Does It Matter When You Publish A Blog Post?

Yes, the timing of when you publish a blog post can impact its visibility website traffic and engagement with direct users. Here are some factors to consider when deciding when to publish your blog post:

  1. Time zone: Consider the time zone of your target audience when publishing your blog post. If your audience is mostly located in a specific geographic area, aim to publish your post during their waking hours.
  2. Day of the week: Research shows that certain days of the week tend to have higher engagement rates than others. For example, Tuesday and Wednesday tend to be the best days to publish a blog post, while weekends tend to have lower engagement rates.
  3. Time of day: Consider the time of day when your audience is most likely to be online and engaged. For example, if your target audience is primarily made up of professionals, you may want to publish your blog post during their lunch hour or after work hours.
  4. Seasonal trends: Consider seasonal trends and events that may impact your audience’s engagement with your content. For example, if you have a food blog, publishing pumpkin recipes in the fall may be more timely and relevant than in the spring.
  5. Competition: Consider the timing of other blog posts or content that may be competing for your audience’s attention. For example, if a major event or announcement is taking place on a specific day, it may be best to avoid publishing your blog post on that day.

What Is The Best Day To Publish A Blog Post?

While there is no one “best” day to publish a blog post that applies to all blogs, research has shown that certain days of the week tend to have higher engagement rates than others. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. Tuesday: Tuesday is often considered the best day of the week to publish a blog post. It has been shown to have higher engagement rates and traffic than other days of the week.
  2. Wednesday: Wednesday is another good day to publish a blog post, as it has also been shown to have high engagement rates and traffic.
  3. Thursday: Thursday is another day that can be effective for publishing blog posts, as it is close to the weekend and people may have more free time to read and engage with content.
  4. Monday: While Monday may seem like a good day to publish a blog post, it is often a busy day for people and may not have as high engagement rates as other days of the week.
  5. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: These days tend to have lower engagement rates than other days of the week, as people are often busy with other activities and may not be as active online.

Can You Edit Blogger After Publishing?

Yes, you can edit a blog post on Blogger after it has been published. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the “Posts” section.
  2. Find the post that you want to edit and click on the “Edit” button next to it.
  3. Make any changes that you want to the post content, title, labels, or other settings.
  4. Click on the “Update” button to save your changes.

After you update your post, the changes will be immediately reflected on the comments section of your blog. Keep in mind that if your post has been shared on other social media channels or other websites, the updated version of your post may not be reflected on those platforms.

Steps When Promoting A New Blog Post

Here are some steps you can take to promote a new blog post:

  1. Share on social media: Share a link to your new blog post on your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and tag any relevant accounts or people in your post.
  2. Email your subscribers: Send an email to your email subscribers notifying them about your new blog post. Include a teaser of the post in the email and a clear call-to-action to encourage them to click through to your blog.
  3. Utilize content distribution platforms: Consider using content distribution platforms like Outbrain or Taboola to promote your blog post to a wider audience.
  4. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and questions on your blog and social media accounts. Engage with your audience by asking them to share their thoughts and opinions on your blog post.
  5. Repurpose your content: Repurpose your blog post into different formats, such as a video, infographic, or podcast. This can help reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your blog.
  6. Collaborate with other bloggers or influencers: Collaborate with other bloggers or influencers in your niche by sharing your post with them and asking for their feedback. This can help you reach a wider audience and gain more exposure for your blog.

Key Blog Post Marketing Strategies

Here are some key blog post marketing strategies to help you promote your blog post links and reach a wider audience:

  1. Develop a strong headline: A compelling headline can attract readers and encourage them to click through to your blog post. Make sure your headline accurately reflects the content of your blog post and is attention-grabbing.
  2. Use relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your blog post to help it rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can help increase your blog’s visibility and attract more traffic.
  3. Share on social media: Share your blog post on your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and tag any relevant accounts or people in your post to increase its visibility.
  4. Guest post on other blogs: Write guest posts for other blogs in your niche to help reach a wider audience and build relationships with other bloggers. Make sure to include a link back to your blog in your guest post.
  5. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and questions on your blog and social media accounts. Engage with your audience by asking them to share their thoughts and opinions on your blog post.
  6. Repurpose your content: Repurpose your blog post into different formats, such as a video, infographic, or podcast. This can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your blog.
  7. Use email marketing: Use email marketing to notify your subscribers about your new blog posts. Include a teaser of the post in the email and a clear call-to-action to encourage them to click through to your blog.

What To Do After Publishing A Blog?

After publishing a blog, here are some important steps to take:

  1. Share on social media: Share your blog post on your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and tag any relevant accounts or people in your post to increase its visibility.
  2. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and questions on your blog and social media accounts. Engage with your audience by asking them to share their thoughts and opinions on your blog post.
  3. Monitor analytics: Monitor your blog’s analytics to see how your blog post is performing. This can help you identify which topics are resonating with your audience and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  4. Repurpose your content: Repurpose your blog post into different formats, such as a video, infographic, or podcast. This can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your blog.
  5. Update older blog posts: Look for older blog posts that could benefit from updates or revisions. This can help improve their performance and keep your blog fresh and relevant.

Plan your next post: Start planning your next blog post, taking into account the feedback and analytics from your previous posts. This can help you continue to grow your blog and reach a wider audience.

Blogging Titan » Blogger Outreach » Where To Promote Blog Posts After Publishing